Government Jobs

Job Post: Project Associate at Islamic University of Science and Technology

Job Post: Project Associate at Islamic University of Science and Technology

Department of Chemistry

The Islamic University of Science and Technology (IUST) is inviting applications for the position of Project Associate in the Department of Chemistry. The project involves the design and synthesis of “Supramolecular Schiff-base Chiral Macrocycles with Amine, Hydroxy, and Thiol Functionalization for the Recognition of Chiral Biological Anions”.


The Project Associate will be responsible for the following tasks:

  • Conducting research in the field of chiral chemistry.
  • Synthesizing and characterizing chiral macrocycles.
  • Collaborating with the Principal Investigator and other team members.
  • Preparing and maintaining laboratory equipment.
  • Assisting in the supervision of undergraduate and graduate students.


The ideal candidate should possess the following qualifications:

  • M.Sc. degree in Chemistry with a minimum of 55% or equivalent CGPA.
  • Experience in organic synthesis is desirable.
  • Age limit: 35 years.

Duration of Project/Terms and Conditions:

The position is for a duration of 1 year, which may be extended subject to satisfactory work carried out by the project associate.

Interested candidates are requested to send their recent CV via email to the following address:

Last Date of Receipt of Application:

The last date for the submission of the CV is 15/04/2024.

Interview Details:

The eligible candidates will be shortlisted and the shortlisted list of candidates will be displayed on the university website. The day, date, and time of the interview will be displayed on the university website.

General Instructions:

  • The above post is purely temporary and co-terminus with the project.
  • Selection will be exclusively based on interview.
  • The University reserves the right to terminate the contract of non-performing candidates at any time without prior notice.
  • The salary component is subject to the release of funds by the funding agency.
  • Eligible candidates must bring all the testimonials/certificates (in original and one attested copy) at the time of the interview.
  • No TA/DA will be provided to the candidates appearing for the interview.
  • Candidates will have to produce original documents relating to their qualifications, experience etc at the time of appearing in the interview.
  • The University reserves the right to defer/not to fill up of post advertised herein above, without assigning any reason thereof.
  • In case a candidate wants to withdraw, he/she must serve a one-month notice period (or one-month salary).
  • The terms and conditions governing the service shall be as per the rules & regulations of the university and/or funding agency (wherever applicable) with amendments from time to time.

Contact Information:

For any queries or clarifications, interested candidates can contact Dr. Imtiyaz Ahmad Bhat, Principal Investigator, at the following contact information:


Interested candidates are requested to send their recent CV via email to the Project PI: Dr. Imtiyaz Ahmad Bhat and email copy to [email protected] with the subject marked as Application for PA-1 position. The last date for the submission of the CV is 15/04/2024. Interviews of the eligible candidates will be held in the Office of the Head, Department of Chemistry, IUST, Awantipora. No TA/DA will be paid for appearing in the interview.

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