JKSSB Finance Accounts Assistant(FAA) admit card out. The Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) is conducting the Computer Based Written Test (CBT) Examination for the post of Accounts Assistant (Finance Department) as per the
Department:- Finance
Item No:- 106
Name of Post:- Accounts Assistant
Cadre of the Post:- union territory
Total Posts:- 972
- Date of CBT Examination: 16.03.2023 to 01.04.2023
City Intimation / Level-1 Admit Cards for the candidates, whose examination(s) is/are scheduled w.e.f. 16.03.2023 to 01.04.2023 shall b hosted on JKSSB’s official website (www.jkssb.nic.in) also w.e.f. 09.03.2023 (04.00 PM) to 12.03.2023. This Admit Card is issued only to inform the candidates about the Exam City, Exam Date and Exam Time for the candidate.
So Final / Level-2 Admit Card would b released three (03) days prior to the exam date(s),depicting the Name and Address of Exam Centre and can be downloaded from JKSSB’s official website (www.jkssb.nic.in) at that time.and also
Meanwhile, Candidates can download their Admit Cards from the website using their Application ID and Date of Birth. They must read the instructions contained therein, carefully.
JKSSB Finance Accounts Assistant(FAA) admit card out check detail on notification 👇👇👇
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